Donate via PayPal:

Finanční dary můžete posílat do Fio banky na účet Talking Through Art, zapsaný spolek, na číslo účtu 2801714678/2010

You can also send your donation to Talking Through Art account registered in The Czech Republic, IBAN: CZ94 2010 0000 0028 0171 4678 SWIFT/BIC: FIOBCZPPXXX



$10 can buy 2 lunches for 10 weavers. (TTA provides lunch every day at the Kigali main house and we all take a break and sit together)

$25 can cover electricity bills of two weeks at TTA main house

$50 would pay 1 month school fees for 2 children of parents with disabilities.(TTA now supports 20 children with school fees)

$100 would pay monthly salary for cleaning and cooking at TTA house.

$250 would pay 1 year sewing training for one person at TTA. 

$500 would pay materials for one month  for all TTA weavers, sisal, dyes and grass.



Every little helps and TTA will use it to grow and serve more women with disabilities and their children. For more information, send us an email to